Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Update On Prayer Requests

We just got home from the hospital. My Dad got an all clear from the doctor. She said you could not even tell he had the heart attack and that his heart looked good. All of his stents are working properly. They are going to adjust his medications. At some point in the future they want to do his leg veins. Thank you all for praying!!!

Update on Fern... She is home and over the medication scare. Her back is still bad and they will have to figure out what to do with it, but she is home from the hospital!! Another praise and another thank you for praying!!!


  1. Praise God! He is SO GOOD!!!! Thank you for the reports.

  2. We have an awesome and amazing healer known as GOD. That is awesome to hear that.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing the GOOD NEWS!


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