Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Autumn is Coming!!!

I have been trying to get ready for my friend's visit. I am not getting as much done as I would like. I still have a weekend though, so that is helpful. Autumn is starting to put her colors on. There are splashes here and there. This limb is really vivid, but my camera did not do it justice.

You will probably be seeing lots of Autumn pictures. It is my favorite time of the year.

We are still having fun with the dogs. That pup sure gives Star a run for her money. She likes to jump on her and over her and get on her head. Here she is stepping over Star to get somewhere. :)

I am constantly telling her, "Fix your ears!!" They are supposed to lay down. :)

Tug of war is the game of choice these days.

She loves to find little nests. She lays in the coiled orange extension cord, although she is not fitting too well in it these days. She likes to be under the rocker or under my desk. Yesterday, the Wonderful Neighbor Mom walked over with Lil' Neighbor. Lil' Neighbor (LN) wanted to see Skye. Skye was taking a nap, but I finally went and got her up so that LN could play with her. I guess she was not done with her nap. I had put the dog toys in a little basket to try and keep them out of the way. LN kept trying to give the basket to Skye. Then Skye got in the basket all by herself and tried to sit in it. At first her rear end rested on an edge.

Then she finally got it down inside the basket.

She kept trying to find a comfortable spot.

Then she tried to lay down in it. Her head and part of her body hung out. She finally gave up and got out.

This is the time of year that these nasty little visitors come into the house. I went out to the sink on my back porch and there was a HUGE one in the sink. I put the quart jar in there to show you how big this guy is. He is now down swimming under ground somewhere. :)

Joshua has been at my house this week working on something. I was so glad he was here yesterday. I was running a load of towels in the washer. I heard something weird and went to look. It has drained all over the floor. I turned off the washer and hollered for him and he came running. He was a peach. He cleaned up the whole mess without me asking him to. He also fixed the washer hose which had broken. Thanks Joshua!!! We really appreciate that!

Don't forget.... The Fallapalooza Party starts today. Go get your entry in. There are lots of great prizes!!


  1. Fall is my favorite season, but it sure hasn't started down here yet. The temperature sign on the bank said it was 100 degrees on Monday. I'll have to live vicariously through your photos until fall comes our way!

  2. Skye is the cutest little pup and so funny! I love your pics and stories of what she is up to.


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