Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Tasty way to Lose Weight!!

Michael and I have been wanting and trying to lose weight for a long time. Nothing seemed to be working. We have been praying and asking the Lord for His help in doing this. We finally decided to try and combine Weight Watchers with Nourishing Traditions. We are not being exact with either, but it seems to be working. We have both lost weight each of the last 5 weeks. On two of those weeks, we each lost 4 pounds. One of the weeks, I only lost 1/2 pound, but it was still a loss, for which I am grateful.

I have been trying to come up with creative meals that taste really good. Last nights menu was wonderful, so I thought I would share it with you. I had about 1/2 pound of hamburger thawed in the fridge that needed to be used. I browned it with some onion, garlic and mushrooms. Then I added some canned tomatoes from last years garden. With the hamburger, I did not want to use pasta and add the extra points, so I made zoodles. Zoodles are sort of like spaghetti but are made from a zucchini. It is a great way to use the zucchinis that grow way to big. I have a Spirooli which does this for me, but I have found something identical to it with another name (thanks to Marion). I am hoping to get some to sell in the store. Until then, you can get it through Amazon.

It does more than just zoodles and is very easy to work and to clean up. I did one large zucchini. I put the zoodles in a steamer basket and sprinkled salt, pepper and freshly ground garlic powder. I did drizzle a wee bit of olive oil on them as well. Then I steamed them just enough to warm them, but not make them soggy. I served the hamburger mixture over the zoodles. Michael said that I could do something like that 4 nights a week and he would love it. Our zucchini plant died, so he wants to try and plant another one.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Marci,

    It has been a while since I have posted here. No job for me yet. I appreciate prayer also for funds for the needs I have.

    I am working on losing weight too. I found it has really helped to cut down my portions, eat a 1/2 cup of cereal in the morning along with my two eggs, milk with my cereal and coffee and fruit.
    For lunch and dinner, a rarely have bread now. I eat rice or quinoa for lunch and dinner. A 1/3 or 1/2 a cup of these only. I also watch my salt intake. I have chicken for lunch and dinner along with a vegetable or two with my meal and fruit too. Also what helps when I try and remember, is to eat slower. Pause between bites.

    Your puppy is so cute.

    Our weather here on the west coast has been on the cool side this month. Lots of heavy fog hanging around sometimes all day and some days it will clear up before noon. We still have August and September to hopefully have more summer like weather. The east coast is pretty hot and humid for them right now my brother tells me. Longer than usually at one time for them.

    I hope you have a great week.



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