Sunday, June 27, 2010

This and That

There is a lot going on around here lately. That is a good thing. :) Something really exciting is going to happen tomorrow, but I will save it for my Count Your Blessings Monday post.

There are blooms everywhere in the yard. I have Stella de Oro lilies blooming and the Shasta Daisys just started blooming. The Black Eyed Susans are forming buds. I have several sunflower forming heads now.

These are orange Lilies and Mallow.

Michael had gone out to burn some trash and told me to come and look. There is a huge squash plant in the other burn barrel. :) If you look closely in this picture, you can see the smoke from the other barrel.

The black raspberries are ripening up. YUM!!!

Brittany's dad sells these pot stands. I love them. The Wonderful Neighbor girl came and planted some flowers in them for me. The long Vinca vines are from my front garden. They did not like being transplanted.

The Echinacea is starting to bloom.

Our garlic was ready early this year. We harvested it and it is hanging to dry. We got 131 bulbs.

This is a picture of the practice shawl I am weaving on my friend's triangle loom. I am getting ready to put the fringe on it. I can't wait to get started on my shawl.

The other day, as I was walking through the yard, I saw a long white string with the top of a feed bag hanging on it. The whole thing was coming out of our Bradford Pear tree. I thought the wind must have put it there. I went over to pick it up and throw it away. It was attached to the tree. I thought maybe children had done that. I did not want other children coming along and pulling hard and breaking branches, so I went to untie it. Well, it wasn't tied, but it was woven into a nest. :) The nest was very hidden in the center of the tree. In this picture, I had already cut off the long part.

We got a little bit of rain today for which we are very grateful. We could sure use some more.

I will be picking baby lamb names this week. Keep watch to see if you won!!!


  1. Such pretty flowers! How neat you found a squash plant growing somewhere unexpected! I love those pots!

  2. Beautiful pictures!!! Your plants and flowers are so pretty!


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