Thursday, May 06, 2010

Please Pray for my Brother Today!!

My brother Scott is a great guy. He loves the Lord and he loves life. He is usually the life of the party and he loves to laugh.

He had a heart cath about a month ago and they put in stents. He has not bounced back and still felt bad. This week, he went back to the doctor and they are doing another heart cath today. Depending on what they find and with our family history, they are saying that they may have to do open heart surgery on him. He owns and runs his own business and this will be really hard for him.

Here are some pictures of him. This first picture is him and his oldest child, Carli. She was 8+ months pregnant.
Here he is with his youngest, Kati. This picture was taken recently.

Here he is with his family, all except his oldest son. The baby is his first grandchild.

The next two are of him and his grandbaby, Lexi.

This last one is of he and our Dad.

Thanks for praying!!


  1. Marci, How is your brother doing? I hope and pray he is going to be okay!

  2. Marci, How is your brother doing? I hope and pray he is going to be okay!


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