Saturday, April 10, 2010

Life On The Farm

I have been busy with so many things lately. I don't get to post on here as much as I would like. I have had a couple of friends lose a parent very quickly recently. One was local, and we were able to go to the viewing. She had been a woman of many talents. They had her handiwork sitting around for people to see. There were quilts, afghans, baby sweaters, cross stitch pictures and lots of pictures of her and her family. It made me think of those verses in Proverbs 31.

Verse 13 She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.

Verses 18 & 19 She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night. She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.

Verse 22 She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.

Verse 31 Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.

I really liked the way they shared her with us. Also, I got to meet a friend of a friend at the funeral home. I found out that he reads my blog. Hi Jim the broom maker!!! I want to buy one or two or three (I am having a hard time picking) of his brooms. He has just started a web site. You can see it here... Gingerbread Brooms.

Spring is still springing around here, but we have had 2 nights that went down around freezing. I hope it did not kill anything. I am especially hoping it did not kill my Wisteria.

Here are some buds on my Flowering Crab Apple Tree.

The Bradford Pear is already in bloom.

Here are the swelling buds on my Wisteria. It has only bloomed one year, but oh what beauty and delight it gave me. I loved just walking buy and smelling it and caressing the flowers.

My Lilacs have buds and are getting ready to bloom.

The Forsythia is still blooming, but you can see the flowers sprinkled all over the ground around it.

Here is on of the buds on an Apple Tree we have.

I have found several patches of Violets.

The Peach Tree has some flowers with more to open up.

On Thursday morning, I went to the post office to pick up our chicks. They are always so glad for me to take them out of there. They don't like all the peeping sounds they make.

This is my new layers for the year. I got Buff Orpingtons, Golden Buffs and Americaunas.

Here is our first batch of meat birds. They are Cornish Cross.

Our dog, Star, LOVES the little chickies. She was in the house when I brought them home. I went on out and put them in the brooder since it was so chilly. I then came in the house. Star sniffed my dress and then immediately went to the door. I let her out and she made a beeline for the brooder. :) I had to lift back the cover and let her look at them.

Our cow is only milked once a day. She is the best cow that there ever was. She is at least 14 years old. Buttercup gives the best milk. She was down to about a gallon a day. The hay is not all that nutritious through the winter. Since the grass is coming in and she is able to graze, she is giving us at least 2 gallons a day and sometimes 2.5 gallons a day. So, I have been making cheese like crazy. I need to get out there and start a batch for today. I have been making mostly Cheddar and Mozzarella. I tried Colby this week and Michael loved it.

What is happening where you are?


  1. Lots of things happening on your farm! :)

    Carissa has planted her peas, broccoli, cabbage and onions. Today she planted flower seeds in cleaned out egg shells. I got both outdoor benches painted and a couple of side tables. Hubby has been mowing and trimming. The azaleas are just about to bloom. The dogwood trees are blooming along with many other plants. I love violets, don't you?! Some people think of them as a weed, but I told Hubby to just leave them alone because I love to see their pretty purple blooms each spring. As long as the ground is covered with green, it doesn't matter to me what's in the yard! :D

  2. We have a lot going on here as well. Trying to implement new things in our home. Like...the children being responsible for their own laundry...100%. :-) One week down so we will see how it goes. We worked in the garden today. Got over half of the beds cleared out and will be cleaning out the rest this week. But...oh my...the yard needs to be mowed badly. :-)


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