Friday, April 16, 2010

The Blessings of Lots of Milk!!

We milk once per day. Buttercup was down to a gallon or just over every day. It was perfect. The Wonderful Neighbors milk one night and keep the milk, and the rest of the milk was enough for us and to make some cheese each week. Then came the spring grass. :) She is now giving between 2 and 2.5 gallons a day. I have been making lots of cheese. Most of my cheese rounds are made from 4 gallons of milk.

Today, I have this milk on my stove and I am in the process of making cheese out of it.

I just took this cheese out of the cheese press. I made it yesterday. It is Colby. It has to air dry until it gets a nice rind on it.

I have this cheese that now has its rind. I need to wax it today.

I still have 7 gallons of milk in the milk fridge. :)


  1. Oh I love cheese- grilled cheese, eggs with cheese, cheese cake, pizza...
    In cheese. Wretched I say! ;)

  2. I love cheese too! That looks marvelous!

  3. wow, looks great, our Holstein will freshen in about 2 weeks and we will be getting about 5-6 gallons a day, my crowd favors ice cream but we make cheese (farmer and mozzarella)and yogurt too. I have never made Colby cheese though. How do you make it? How long must it sit?


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