Monday, March 01, 2010

The Winner!!!!

I decided to use one of those random number generators. I told it to pick a number between 1 and 68 and here are the results. I will make you go back and see who won!!! :)

Enter a number:
I want a number between 1 and… 68

Result: 6

I am waiting on the winner to discover they won. :)

STILL WAITING......... :)

The winner is Sharri!! Someone cheated and gave it away to her. We were going to see how long it took her to figure it out. Congratulations Sharri!!!


  1. Congratulations to *that mystery winner down there* ;)

  2. Congratulations to the winner whose name I shall not reveal! ;)

  3. Woo hoo! I'm happy today!
    A little birdie gave me a head's up and I'm so glad! :)

    What a blessing!


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