Friday, March 19, 2010

Busy Week

This has been a very busy week for some reason. It seems I have passed myself several times. :) I have not been on here to blog at all.

Spring is truly springing forth right now. I do realize that we could still have another snowfall or two, but signs of Spring are everywhere. There are robins out singing. We have seen a bluebird. Then we discovered the first crocus and just yesterday, Michael brought me the first daffodil to bloom. Our pond is full from the melting snow and the rain. The grass is greening up. There are fat buds on many of the trees. You can hear the sounds of children playing outside. Clothes are blowing in the wind on the clothesline and you hear that snapping sound they make. It is hard to be down when all of that is going on. I did get outside to take a few pictures.

Here is my first bouquet from the yard this year. :)

The sheep have not been sheared yet, but it should happen this weekend or next week at the latest.

Here is the first daffodil that Michael brought in to me. He is such a sweetheart. He does this every year.

The tulip leaves are coming up.

I hope that signs of Spring are showing up where you live!!!


  1. The only thing that isn't still white over here is the very muddy driveway!

  2. I love the colors of Spring and we are seeing it here as well.


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