Here is an opportunity for all of us to give thanks unto the Lord for a blessing in our lives. If you would like to take part great. If not that is OK too. If you would like to share your blessing, just leave it in the comments. If you want to use the picture above and list a blessing on your own site, then leave a URL to your site in the comments. There is no pressure here. I just know that I am incredibly blessed and I would like to share that and give thanks to Him who all blessing come from. This is a way that we can encourage one another. I know that I am often encouraged when someone shares a blessing with me. I think that many times we forget that it is a blessing to be able to breath, to get out of bed, to hold a baby... Share your blessings with us. We can share so many other things.... special gifts, recipes, let's take the time to share how God has blessed us!!
Today, I am giving thanks for God's provisions. We have started the Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover. God has provided Michael with some overtime to help get us started. We wanted to take the Financial Peace University course and it is being offered in a nearby town. Since we already have the materials it is free. Also, many of you have used the links on my page to make purchases from the various businesses which has added to our funds. Thank you for taking the time to go through my links to these businesses. I am looking forward to see all the ways God will help us come up with funds to be debt free.
Isn't Dave Ramsey great?! I listen to his show on the computer at least 3 times a week. I love how he doesn't sugar coat anything. He tells you like it is and what has to be done.
As for my blessing...I would have to say Elijah is my blessing to mention today. Yesterday was his 3rd birthday. I am so blessed to have him for a son (even if he does challenge me.) lol :-D
I love listening to Dave Ramsey! We are on our way to being debt free as well. Still have a ways to go, but we're getting there.
I thank God that His Promises are true and we can put all our trust in Him.
I'm thanking the Lord today for flowers in the middle of winter. My husband just came home with a beautiful orchid plant for me!
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