Saturday, January 30, 2010

They are DONE!!!

I finished my socks!! I can't believe I did it. I would love to be able to show them to my Mom.

I had started a toddler sweater last winter. It is for no one in particular, but I wanted to make a sweater and figured I had a better chance of getting one done if it was small. I have started back up on it. I will keep you posted.

It is bitter cold again. We woke up to right around zero one morning and around 5 another. We missed all the snow, but that is OK. We still have snow on the ground.

Hope you all had a great Saturday and that you have a blessed Lord's Day!!!


  1. Congratulations! One time many years ago I knit one mitten on 4 needles and never finished the other one. I think I finally threw the one mitten way.

  2. Hi Marci,
    A blessed Lord's Day to you, too!
    I love the socks. Congratulations on finishing them.

    Oh, it's cold here, too. This drafty old house makes it hard; without a wood stove, heating can get expensive. I just throw on another sweater, cook up some soup, and drink something hot.
    (And dream of spring!)

  3. GREAT Job. I'm trying to teach myself to crochet. 2 hours into it and I can make a starting loop. Socks seem a LONNNNNNNNNNNG way off!

  4. They look wonderful! Great job!
    Your Mama would be so proud!

  5. Marci, the socks look wonderful! I would love to be able to do that.

  6. The socks are good!!
    I'ld trying to knit socks! I do'nt have a mother or sister so I looked on you-tube. And I finished knitting my socks!
    God Bless!! Greetings Margriet


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