Friday, January 08, 2010

More Snow

We are getting more snow. :) It started yesterday and was supposed to go through out the night. I have not been out this morning yet. Here are some pictures.

We are using a Katahdin ram this year with our sheep. None of the Shetlands available were tall enough to do the job. :) We won't be able to use the fleece on any of the babies, but they will make good meat lambs. Here is the ram.
Here is when the snow first started. You can still see Mr. Snowman's facial features and hat.
This is after a couple of hours of snow.

It really came down hard with some big flakes a couple of times. Looks like he is enjoying it.

Star loves it when it gets cold out. She was out running around.

Looks like it is a bit higher now. :)

I took this to sort of watch the growth of snow on top of the bird feeder and also the picnic table.

The snow had slowed down a bit here. You can see his face and hat are harder to see.

Poor guy... He is going blind!!

They said the low last night was supposed to be 17. Our thermometer this morning says 5 and the wind is blowing... BRRRRR....


  1. Man, it sounds CHILLY!! We've got a bit of snow here in MI, and I know that I'm always cold:) Yes, 'tis the season for LOADS of layers...I'm the family joke with how many clothes I wear - a lot!!

    Stay warm,

  2. Our thermometer says -7! Freezing cold, but plenty of snow. Love your snowman. Wish I could talk the kids into building one!

  3. We've got 25 degrees this afternoon and it's been snowing lightly since early this morning. Not more than 1/2" accumulation on top of what we already have, though. I don't mind since I don't have to go out in it. :) Have a blessed day in the Lord, Marci!

  4. We have alot of snow here in Mighigan to. Yeas it is cold but not to bad if you have enough clothes on. The whole family went today and cut a load of wood not to bad out. The snow is so pretty though I love it. Rebekah

  5. It's so strange thinking of the weather back home! It's not exactly warm here, but a sweater is enough. It's been getting to about 60 degrees during the day and then around 50 at night; it FEELS colder than that since it's so humid! I kind of miss the snow!


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