Monday, January 25, 2010

The Monster Still Lives but He Ain't purty!!

Our January thaw is over. It is snowing today and we expect more tonight. The Monster Snowman is still visible although he has shrunk considerably. :) This morning it was 43 degrees and it is down to 34 and falling. So, the rest of him will probably stick around. :) I need to get his hat and scarf and bring them in.

The snow came down in little pellets. It reminded me of perlite (potting soil additive).

It was very light and did not sting when it hit you or anything.

Somebody asked how I was feeling. I think I may be over it. I am still watching what I am drinking though. I want to be sure it is gone.

Please continue to pray for the Wonderful Neighbor children. They are still fighting this respiratory virus that is not going away.


  1. Continuing to pray for you and the neighbor children. Praying everyone gets well soon. As for the least what's left of him will provide a good base for the next one. :-)

  2. That's the most pathetic snowman I've ever seen. :)

    Glad to hear you're better, Marci. Keep chugging the cranberry juice and water!

  3. Oh, but Emily, he was magnificent in his day. He was 9 feet tall and he actually survived (or part of him did) through a week of above freezing temps. :)

  4. Come next big snowfall, we'll be troopin' over there and waking you up building another one!

    "Neighbor girl"

  5. Poor Mr. Snowman!

    We still have lots of snow here and are expecting more frigid cold temps the next few days...ugh!


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