Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Wonderful Mom

Here comes my yearly reminder to each of you... Make sure that you have made amends with those you love. Call your Mom, your Dad, your friend, your brother, your sister and tell them that you love them. You never know when you won't have a chance again.

As far as we knew, my Mom was totally healthy. She went to bed one night feeling fine and she never woke up on this earth again. For her it was a wonderful way to go, for those of us left behind it was a total shock. I so praise the Lord that my Mom and I were good friends. That was not always the case. I praise the Lord that I was able to talk to her on the phone for an hour the day before. The big hole in my heart from missing her is still there and still hurts. Time has helped, but that flood can still wash over me.

Four years ago today she went home to be with the Lord!!

Here is a picture of 3 generations. I am the only one left of these 3 people. That is my Mom and my Grandma.

Here are my parents on their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married for 53 years before she died.

Here she is with her older sister, my Aunt Darolyn. They are watching somebody (probably one of the children) doing something. I love their looks. Aunt Darolyn is now in heaven with Mom as well.

I believe this was taken the last Thanksgiving we had her here with us.

Here she is with Joshua. She was a wonderful Toma (Grandma).

Here she is with her Mom. My Grandma loved babies and dolls.

Here is Mom, Aunt Darolyn and Grandma. They are all reunited in heaven.

Life is too short and uncertain. Make sure that you know that you are going to heaven. If you have questions about that please feel free to email me. Then make sure that all your relationships are mended. Tell those in your life that you love them. Tell them often!!!! You never know what tomorrow holds.


  1. What a blessing to have such a wonderful mom and know she is watching over you.

  2. Marci,
    thanks for the wonderful reminder. My the Lord wrap His arms of love around you as you mark this day. I planted a rose bush to mark the passing of my dad. I will plant one every year as a reminder of my love for him.
    grace and peace,


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