Monday, October 12, 2009

I Heart Faces - Excited!!

This is my niece Carli, her husband Matt, and their brand new baby, Lexi. Carli was so excited about being a Mom and showing off that baby to Great-Aunt Marci!!


  1. awww! I love new babies! Cute picture...and cute baby :) By the way...we pray for Jonah too! Got his magnet right on our car. Small world :)

  2. Look at the joy and excitement on the new Mummy's face. Gorgeous.

  3. Now that IS something to be excited about. I love love love new babies. Great photo.

  4. Mommy and Daddy look thrilled, baby? Not so much :). Great shot!

  5. I love how mom looks happy, tired, scared, and just well greatful all in one! Great shot!


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