Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Down On The Farm Stuff...

I need to get my camera out again and get back into this. :) I have been busy. I canned 35 pints of salsa and another 6 quarts of dill pickles. Michael had a four day weekend so we tried to get caught up on some things around here. We did not get near as much done as we wanted to, but we did make some headway. My sauerkraut is almost done, but I want to do some more. We love the stuff and eat it usually once a week.

By the way, the Mountain Rose Herbs links are back on my site. Check them out, they have some good deals.

God is giving us another opportunity at a test that we failed last time. With His strength and grace, we hope to pass the test this time.

What is going on at your place?


  1. Salsa and Pickles....yummy! My garden didn't do so good this year so I won't have much canning to do.

  2. Sounds like you have been super busy. Praying that you pass the "test" that God has given you. As for us....keeping very, very busy. :-)

  3. No job for me yet. No clear direction yet either about moving out of the state I am living in at the moment.

    Praying for you.

  4. Hello Marci it has been a while thought I would pop on in and see what you have been doing.. Busy canning I see that is good. Our garden did do a thing between all the rain and the deer we couldn't keep them out this year.
    For the farm it is doing great. I got my baking license. I had a nice little stand at the end of driveway.. Next Thur I'm going in to have my foot operated on.. Blessing to you and family..
    BLessing Sister BRenda/haflinger


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