Thursday, August 20, 2009

We Got a Little Rain

We got a little bit of rain last night and today. We are grateful for any rain at all. We could sure use more though. :)
Here are some pictures of the sky to the South tonight.

You can see the big headed sunflower that is hanging down on the left side. That one and the other smaller flowers right there are about my height and I am not short. Look how tall that next one is. I have no idea how tall it is, but it is REALLY TALL!!!

Here is another one of my Zinnias.

Does anyone know what these bugs are? I found out that these are called Margined Leatherwings.

Sorry, I am tired and this is going to be a short post.


  1. I don't know what the bugs are, but from the looks of two of them,you are going to be having more soon ;-)

  2. Those are lightning bugs.


  3. Dear Anonymous. They look like lightning bugs, but I have never seen yellow ones before.

  4. Awesome the ones of the sky!


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