Monday, August 31, 2009

Venture Academy!!

Why The Venture Academy? Why now?

Whether by choice or by necessity, interest in entrepreneurial business ventures is at an all-time high.

At Franklin Springs, we hear continually from fathers wanting to work alongside their families, from parents wanting to equip their children for an uncertain economic future by teaching quality business skills from a Christian worldview, and from families who are realizing that the security of the corporate world is a myth.

When the opportunity arose to produce The Venture Academy Basic Entrepreneurship DVD Training Series, we enthusiastically joined ranks with one very special entrepreneur...

The Venture Academy

The Venture Academy DVD Training Series, featuring Wade Myers, is a phenomenal new tool for aspiring entrepreneurs, students serious about increasing their business knowledge, families eager to start their own business, or anyone desirous of strengthening an existing business venture.

This broadcast-quality series was filmed during a recent dynamic week of stimulating education for a privileged group of workshop attendees.

The Basic Entrepreneurship Series is divided into six primary areas of business fundamentals:

  • Sales and Marketing
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Operations, Technology & Service Management
  • Human Resources
  • Business Communications & Legal
  • Venture Analysis

The Quality of Instruction

The Venture Academy DVD Series features renowned Harvard MBA, serial entrepreneur, and Venture Academy founder and president Wade Myers. Wade's superior business knowledge ranks him as a highly qualified mentor and teacher. He's been a guest lecturer and instructor at Harvard Business School, as well as many of the other top business schools across the country.

Venture Academy

Wade's engaging teaching style is dynamic, thorough, and challenging, allowing both experienced business professionals as well as students to easily grasp complex concepts.

With over 25 years of entrepreneurial experience, Wade brings invaluable perspective as a Christian business man.

The Range of Instruction

Six Individual Modules

The Venture Academy contains a comprehensive approach to Business Entrepreneurship.

With over 35 hours of university level instruction spread over 38 individual sessions, as well as a focus on the highly-acclaimed Case Study Methodology practiced at Harvard and other top business schools.

Six Module Workbooks

Each workbook is designed to allow a student to follow along with the onscreen instruction. The workbooks include over 900 slides that are included in the segment presentations.

- Sales and Marketing
- Finance and Accounting
- Operations, Technology &
Service Management
- Business Communications & Legal

(Workbook Six includes a Special Analysis Tool designed to help evaluate business ventures)

38 Sessions on 16 DVDs

Each module includes DVDs with lectures that progress through each business discipline, allowing the student flexibility in the pace they choose to learn each discipline.

The 38 Sessions include over 900 powerpoint slides which help provide a more in depth and engaging on screen presentation for students

A USB Flash Drive

Each product includes a USB Flash drive filled with valuable legal documents, business templates, accounting spreadsheets, and helpful elements to start and run a successful business.
Download a FREE
"Annual Operating Budget" template from our website.
One of the more than 60+ helpful business documents included on
each USB drive with the product.

The Value of the Instruction

Starting and running a business involves costs. Business cards, website domain registrations, and office supplies are just a few of the innumerable expenses a new business owner incurs.

Among the expenditures accompanying any business endeavor, an investment in The Venture Academy Basic Entrepreneurship Training Series is a strategic and wise acquisition for any new business venture...

a "mini-MBA" Harvard-modeled experience
a small fraction of the cost of university study
teaches the language, terms, concepts, and practices of the business world
provides a Christian worldview perspective to business practices
equips students to evaluate business opportunities
includes real-world case-study methodology

Equipping Christian Entrepreneurs

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