Monday, August 17, 2009

Another Day On The Farm

The turkeys are still in the brooder. They are growing. They are so much more fun to be around and to watch than chicks are.

I have a lot of sunflowers blooming in my garden. However, they all show that we need rain badly.

This is not the tallest, but it is taller than me.

All my other flowers are starting to show their need of water as well. It is hard to tell from this picture, but you can really see when you are out there.

We did have a couple of brief showers this evening. We are thankful for every drop. We got to see this beautiful rainbow. The WN girl took this picture for me.

We had friends stop by tonight. Two of the little ones got up in the chair to look at books. They were giggling and laughing. I love to hear that. I even took a video of them when they did not know it. However, as soon as they video started, they quit laughing. They had just gotten out of their pool before coming over.

I wish you could have heard them.

Today, I froze the green peppers I had picked. I made bread and butter pickles, dill pickles and bread. :)

1 comment:

  1. I like those pictures of the girls. It's very noticeable in the pictures how much the sun has bleached out their hair :o)
    Your bread looks good! We watched the West Ladies, bread movie last night and I really enjoyed it! I'll have to try making bread the same way they do.

    P.S. The mother is funny isn't she, LOL!


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