Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Tour Through the Yard and Garden

Here are a couple of pictures of the baby bluebirds. They are really growing fast.

My beans are starting to bloom. It won't be long now. Our friends have picked 2 rows of their beans, 2 times and have already canned 84 quarts.

Here are some of the yellow flowers in my flower bed. The ones with brown centers are Calendula. I think the other type is a Cosmos.

You can see some color in the Zinnias, but I have picked some already.

This is my dill. It is huge. It is bent way over and I have a fence post trying to keep it up. I will have plenty of dill for my pickles.

The yellow squash are coming fast.

Here are some of my cucumbers.

Here are some of the paste tomatoes.

Here is Michael's corn patch. He takes good care of it.

Here is a view of the garden from the back corner.

Here is my lettuce bed.

I forgot what these are called. They may be Phlox. They are sure pretty.

Every year, I fill this old ringer washer with pink wave Petunias.

The Echinacea are doing well. You can see a bee in the second picture.

This is one clump of my Shasta Daisies. I though they were supposed to be really tall.

Does anyone know what these are? I have tried for a couple of years to find out. They sort of look like a double Coreopsis. However, they say those grow to about 2 feet tall. These are at least 6 feet tall. You can see the roof line in the picture. The second picture are the green leaves of this plant.

Who can look at the blossom on a Queen Anne's Lace and doubt there is a Wonderful Creator. It is so intricate and delicate.

Hope you enjoyed your tour through my yard. :)

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