Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Here it comes.....

It seems like you wait forever for things to ripen and grow in the garden. Then once it starts... look out!!! :) Well, I went out to chase a chicken out of the garden and brought this back in with me. It is our first zucchini, yellow squash and cucumbers. :)

I also went out and checked on my bluebird babies. You can see the beginning of blue in their feathers.

The Wonderful Neighbor children came over today to help me. Here are some of the blackberries they picked. They are just starting and some of these are HUGE!!

The younger WN boys picked red clover flowers for me. They did a great job and I have 3 trays full on the dehydrator.

These flowers are all out of our yard.

The older WN children also picked some jewelweed for me. I am going to make some tincture and some oil from it.

Our lettuce still has not gotten bitter. I picked another big bunch to put in the fridge. Tonight we are having a garden meal. We will have lettuce with cucumbers from our garden, zucchini and yellow squash and some broccoli from the WN's garden that they shared with me. YUM!!!


  1. Thanks for sharing!
    Your harvest looks wonderful, especially those blackberries! We have "dewberries" here (which are similar to blackberries) and I made quite a few jars of jam.
    Hope you have a lovely week!


  2. Marci,
    I would love to hear your experience with jewelweed and how you make a tincure. All my life, I've grown up with "touch-me-nots" and never heard it called jewelweed or known of it's healing properties, especially when it comes to poison ivy!

    Your blackberries are amazing in size and, oh my, those dark and delicious-looking zucchini! I hope you get to truly enjoy all the blessings that are rolling in now!

    love, teresa

  3. I would love to know how you make the tincture with the jewelweed. We have orange jewelweed here that is great for poison ivy ... which doesn't effect me but sure does effect my dh and a few of the children.

    YOu can email me if you'd like. lauraw68 @

    Also what do you do with the dried clover flowers?

    Thank you!


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