Thursday, July 02, 2009

Happenings On The Farm

Earlier this year, I had a bluebird fledgling in my stove. Then I had 2 other birds (it looked like the same one twice) that came down the chimney on consecutive days. Then yesterday morning, I had 2 sparrows come down. I just got the first one out the door and about 10 mins. later, I heard Star barking.

This is my bird trap. After they get up in the basket, I slide the cookie sheet (which is then sterilized) under the basket and take the whole thing outside and let it go. Star goes bonkers when they are coming down the chimney and when they get up in the basket.

Tonight I went out into the garden and found 2 ripe cherry tomatoes. These are the first tomatoes of the season. YUMMMMMMMM.... I got one and Michael got one.

Then as I was straightening up the dill and getting it out of the fennel... what to my wondering eyes did appear???? The first "George" of the season. It is a fennel George which turns into a Swallowtail butterfly. He is now in a jar on my counter with a good supply of fennel. Click on the first picture to see an up close and personal picture of George. For those of you who are new... I name all my catepillars George. It is easy to remember that way. :)

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