Friday, May 08, 2009

Meet the Girls!!!

We would like to introduce you to our cows. These are the only bovines on our farm right now. They are all three female (2 cows and 1 heifer) and they are all three full blooded Jerseys. This surprises many people because the one is so dark and one is spotted and colored like a Holstein.

Buttercup is due to calve any day now. Clover is due in September. This will be her first baby. We are not 100% sure that Molasses is bred, but if she is she will be due in October.

1 comment:

  1. Nice looking ladies! What do plan to do with all the milk? Our cows can be milked, as well, but I'm not ready for that yet. We just let them nurse and wean naturally. One day, though!


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