Monday, April 20, 2009

A Picture Post

I have been taking lots of pictures, but have not gotten them all cropped and sized to go up here. Spring is here, but winter is not letting go either. We may have a mix of rain and snow tomorrow night, but it is not staying down that low. I have enjoyed being outside. I was a real hermit this winter.

Here is our Bradford Pear tree blooming. This is its first Spring at our house.
My comfrey is coming up nicely.

I picked mos to of the tulips in this clump, but there are still a couple out there.

This is a peony coming up.

I found this rose hip back by the edge of the woods. It is from the multi flora roses (briars) that grow wild around here.

Our asparagus is coming up and we should be having some this weekend.

Michael tilled part of the garden this past weekend. We planted 2 rows of peas and a row of beets.

Here is one of my white daffodils. These and the double yellow ones seem to bloom later than the rest of the daffodils.

I found this patch of clover in the yard.

There are violets everywhere.

I believe this is a Wild Cherry tree, but I won't swear to it.
Here are some Spring Beauties in the yard by the edge of the woods.

I am not sure what these are called. They are in the daffodil family though.

Here is one of our roosters. He is HUGE!!! He is also not mean, so that is a good thing. His breed is Light Brahma.

Here he is with one of the hens.

The Wonderful Neighbor children came over for some lamby lovins'!!

This tree is in town. It is a magnolia tree. This is just one small branch of it. The second picture shows how big it is.

Here is a Bradford Pear in town.

These people live at the edge of town. I love to see this bloom every year.

The ewe with her leg up is my last ewe to lamb. She is very protective of her baby. When I went out to get the pictures, she put her leg up like this and pushed the baby between her 2 front legs. The other little lamb is one of the first ones to be born.

I just love baby lambs.

They are very watchful over their babies.

Here is Pepper and her twins.

This is the newest little lamb. He is a ram.

Michael called me outside tonight to see something. This was out behind our house. It was a double rainbow, but the second one had already mostly faded before I got back out there with the camera.

As I was taking pictures of the rainbow, I saw deer running across the field behind our house.

Here is a close up.
This is a short video I took of the rainbow and the deer running in the field behind us.


  1. It's all beautiful Marci! I too love to see the daffodil cross in bloom every year. It's beautiful and a great reminder. :-)

  2. That daffodil cross is awesome!

    The rainbow was gorgeous!

    I'm with you--I'm so glad it's Spring!


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