Friday, April 24, 2009

A Peek Around the Farm

We have a very special guest coming to our house. Sharri is sending her son out to spend a couple of weeks with us. He wants a taste of farm life and he also wants to bless us by helping around here for a bit. We are thrilled to death that he is coming and have saved some jobs for when he gets here so he can help.

One of the jobs he will help us with is to get the chicks from the brooder to the field. It has been really cold here until yesterday. Yesterday it went up to around 60. Today it might even hit 80. That is so weird because we had possible snow and rain on Tuesday. :) However, because it was so cold, we still had the cover over the brooder. Yesterday we took the cover off and today we will turn one light off. We want to get them used to being in cooler temperatures. The movable pens will have to be fixed up a bit for the season. Then we will take the chicks out to the field and put them in the pens. Here are some pictures of the chicks. They are now 2 weeks and 2 days old. They sure look a lot different than they did the day we got them. You can see a picture of them here.

I love this picture. It shows how big their feet are.

This is one of my little ewe lambs. I have to figure out what to name all my lambs. I had a couple of people ask me if I was going to do a contest again. I am not sure. I told the Wonderful Neighbors that I ought to name them after their children, because the biggest and smallest lambs are both girls with 3 boys in between. That is how their children are in order of birth. :)

This is the above ewe lamb's twin brother.

Here is another picture of him.

This hen hangs out in the garden and in the sheep shed. We have to grab her each evening and put her in the coop. She is a Golden Buff.

Here is Gino the cat. He loves to hang out on the porch. I keep telling him to go catch some mice.

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