Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Littlest Wonderful Neighbor

The Wonderful Neighbor woman told me I could put up pictures of their youngest girlie. They are really good about sharing. Of course if you have a baby and I am around, it is hard not to share, because I can be very aggressive about holding your baby. :)

Here is the sight that greeted us when we arrived. One of her big brothers was feeding her. I love his smile. His whole face lights up when he smiles.

Daddy was talking to her and getting her to smile for me.

Look at those dimples!!

She was hanging out with the adults at the table taking it all in. I love that drooly mouth.

In this picture she was directing the band. She did a great job at it. :)

At this point, this is one of my youngest friends. :)


  1. She is absolutely, positively adorable!

  2. She's toooo cute and adorable!

    Her brother is a handsome guy too!


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