Monday, April 27, 2009

Farm Scenes & People

Here is Brad taming the Wisteria roots. Do NOT ever plant one close to your house like I did. People warned me that it would grow all over my house and I thought I would just keep it pruned. They did not tell me that this thing sends out roots in all directions and that they sneak up under your siding and come out at the top. He had a machete out there chopping them off and hauling them away.

We had other guests as well. We were trying to catch "little bits" in a smile.

Here is another sweet sister. She loves animals... can you tell?

Here is another sweet sister. These four girls are the youngest daughters of friends of ours. There is one boy that would fall in the mix of these little ones. There is a total of 11 of them.

This is the first year for blooms on my Flowering Crab apple. Or at least I think it is the first year. :)

Here are the blossoms on one of our apple trees.
The sheep are cutting the grass for me in the side yard.

Only one of my lilacs is getting any blooms. They already smell wonderful.

Here are the three cows. Buttercup (lightest one) is due in about 2 to 3 weeks.


  1. Such beautiful pictures! Love the video clip of the lambs.

  2. What wonderful pictures :D

    What would you suggest for gypsy moth caterpillars? Our one and only apple tree has nest of them.

    Jo Lyn


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