Sunday, February 01, 2009

Went to Town

Michael and I went to town on Saturday to run a few errands. I remembered to take my camera along this time. I know that a lot of my pictures are all the same view. That is because I stand in the front door or the back door and take them. :) That keeps my feet warmer. Here are some other scenes we saw on Saturday.

This is the river. It was totally snow covered in some spots. You can see the snow closer to the bottom and then you see the water about mid picture.

I love to see snow covered pines. It is like they wrapped themselves in a lacy shawl.

Here are a couple of pictures of the same river at a different spot taken from a bridge.

More snow covered pines.

This was on the edge of the road. The wind blows and creates ledges and shelves of snow. I tried to get some pictures of the huge fields all covered in snow with no marks in it. The wind blew it all smooth.

Here we are back home. I love the picnic table. You can also see Buttercup in the background.

This looks like some sort of dessert. Maybe a pie with a huge mound of whipped cream.

By the way it got up to about 41 today. :) It is currently 36.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are beautiful! Especially to those of us who rarely see snow.


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