Friday, February 20, 2009

Bye Bye Sheep

Tonight we are going to round up the sheep that are going to new homes. :( It is always sad to part with an animal. We use a very high tech method of sheep moving. It is called "Hug and Lug." First you have to actually catch the sheep and then hug them to yourself. The girls are probably pregnant, so we will have to be very careful. Then you lug them to the stock trailer. I am still not sure exactly how many are going away. I am praying that the Lord helps me to give up all that He wants me to.

We are having another cold snap. It was about 16 degrees this morning with wind chills around 4.

I am trying to get a wild yeast sour dough starter going. Today is day 5 and it is supposed to go until day 7. I put rye flour and water in a crock on my counter. I have left it uncovered. Each day I stir it and then add in another bit of flour and water. Rye flour does a better job of catching the wild yeasts in the air, or so I am told. I hope it works.

It seems like I have been very boring all winter. There has not been too much going on. Hopefully when Spring arrives, I will have lots to write about. :)

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