Thursday, January 01, 2009

They Got A Wee Bit of Snow!!

Every year when our friends come to visit, the children pray and hope to see some snow. They woke up yesterday morning all excited to see snow falling from the sky and a small bit on the ground. We did not get a whole lot, but they were thrilled and spent lots of time outside playing in it!! They bundled up in coats, mittens, scarves and snow boots. There were lots of runny noses from the cold outside and a lot of snow throwing. :)


  1. Hello,
    Thank you for posting so many pictures of everyone. We have enjoyed seeing all of them. Please tell the Browers that we will be praying for them to have a safe trip home.
    The Hopes

  2. At least they got to play in some snow...even if it was only a little. :-)


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