Monday, January 12, 2009

Slippery Slopes and Photo Opportunities

I had to go to the post office today. On cold days like this, I would rather stay holed up inside by the fire. :) I have to go to the post office several times a week to mail orders from my store. I am very grateful to have a very small old time post office within about 5 mins. from my house. Our driveway has a snowy covering over ice. We used to have an on-farm store. We had people get stuck more than once. There is a 90 degree turn in the driveway. It also happens to be the lowest point. You go up to the road, or up to the house from that corner.

Everything looked so pretty covered in snow. I took my camera along with me, thinking I would get some good pictures. I stopped before I got to the bend and took a few pictures. I did not dare stop in the bend or going up toward the road. I saw the little stream all bordered with snow and knew that I couldn't stop to get a picture of it. When I got near the top of the driveway by the road, I stopped to get a picture figuring I had it made. I was wrong. :) I got my picture and then tried to go the last 10 feet of the driveway. I was NOT going to be moving in a forward direction. I went back a little bit and tried to get over on the side more and hoped to get some traction. This also was an exercise in futility. I backed back down the driveway almost to the turn. I was going to try again. As I stopped, I noticed the stream was right out my window. Thank you Lord for the photo opportunity. Then I prayed, put the car in drive and started fishtailing my way up the driveway. At first, I did not think that I would be able to get it going, but slowly it started and I did not let up. I did not stop until the very top. I made my way to the post office, and headed home. Our road is snow covered as well, but it did not seem to be too slippery. On the way home, I stopped and took some pictures on the road. I also saw 2 deer in a field near my house, and I stopped to get their pictures. I thanked the Lord when I got back home for allowing me to make it up the driveway, there and back safely and for allowing me to see the deer.

Here are the pictures I took.

We are looking at a VERY cold week. One night the low is supposed to be -4 before you even add in the windchill. I am looking forward to Spring!!


  1. I'm glad to hear you got to the post office and back safely!

    Great photos!
    The deer were so pretty!

  2. Hi Marci,
    Great pictures!!
    Glad you got to your destination then back home safely!!

  3. Beautiful pictures! It's hard to believe, but if it gets down to 20 below or colder the roads stop being slippery! Glad you made it home safely.


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