Wednesday, December 31, 2008

More Family Fun!!!

On Monday, we went up to Lehman's Old Fashioned Hardware store. You can still buy a lot of the old fashioned tools you need from them. For a short commercial break... If you buy something on line from them, please use my link in the sidebar so I get credit. :) Each time that our friends come to see us, we make a trek to Lehman's. It takes a very long time to get through the store. They have really added on in the last couple of years, so it is even larger and takes more time. Here are some pictures from Lehman's.

We had eaten a hardy breakfast and so we went to Der Dutchman in Walnut Creek to eat dinner. This is another tradition when they come to visit. They had a buffet bar that everyone decided to get. Here are a couple of restaurant pictures.

We are truly enjoying the visit and really don't want it to end. I really enjoy the houseful of people. I have had lots of help cooking and cleaning up. We have stayed up talking (one night Terri and I stayed up until 2AM). We have watched videos together, played games and had a great time.


  1. Sounds like a good time was had by all. :D

  2. We love going to Lehman's every once in awhile and yes they have expanded tremendously over the last couple of years!

  3. I LOVE Der Dutchman! :) I am glad you are all having a nice time. :) Love and miss you!

  4. what a blessed time to spend in the company of friends and family. Love the pictures Marci. There is nothing quite as pleasant as a house full of love.

  5. Hi Marci,
    Glad you had a good time with your visitors!! Happy New Year!!


  6. Sounds like a very special time is being had by all. My prayer is that some day when my boys marry we will have the same kind of relationship with their wives' families.


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