Friday, November 14, 2008

What Am I About??

I have some BIG milestones coming up in my life. :) I have a birthday next month and I will be 50!!... Yes, the big 5-0!! On my next anniversary (which really doesn't come until April) I will celebrate 30 years of marriage!!

Michael and I were talking about these large numbers the other evening. He is 51, so he is a bit ahead of me. I am sure on the outside to other people I look all of my 50 years. However, on the inside... I am NOT old enough to be 50!! Michael put it this way... "I (meaning him) am not mature enough to be 50!" Life marches on. It is amazing how quickly years go past. What have I accomplished? Have I been about what the Lord has for me to do? Do I see a maturing of my spiritual walk? Am I still on milk or am I able to have some spiritual meat? Do I have some "Timothys" in my life
(meaning someone whom I encourage on in the faith)? Many of us have Barnabas' (those who walk along side of us) and we all long for a Paul (those who we look to for help and guidance). However, we should have some Timothys too.

Have I taken the time to tell those around me that I love them? Have I written to them and told them why they are special to me? Have I shared with them my heart? Am I caught up in what I want to do and the business around me or do I MAKE time for others? There are lots of hurting and lonely people all around us. We just have to be aware to look for them. Do we (Michael and I) look around us for needs to meet, especially those who are Brothers and Sisters in the Lord?

So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith. Gal. 6:10

I know women who spend their time worrying about a spotless house. When I was growing up we had some neighbors about a block over whose children spent a lot of time at other people's houses. Why? Their Mom had a spotless house and they were not welcome to play in it. I have seen people pass by on the opportunity to read a book to their child or color with them because they had to clean. They were always cleaning. With others it could be time spent on the computer, or time on the phone talking to friends, or running around shopping. I don't have small children at home, but I can still be guilty of all of these things. There are people I can minister to, or things I can do at home to bless others. Are these things put off so that I can do what I want first?

Pray for me. I want to make a difference for the Lord. My Mom was remembered at her funeral for all the things she did for people. She touched lives in the name of Jesus. I want to carry on her legacy. I want people to remember me in a way that they were pointed at Christ because of what I did. I want to have a sweetness of the Lord around me. In myself, I can be prickly and not so soft and sweet. I can be consumed by doing my own thing.

I want to share a few pictures with you. They have nothing to do with the above. :)

I wanted to show you that the stark nakedness of winter is almost totally upon us here in Ohio. Here is a corn field that has only partially been harvested. I think you can click on any of the pictures and make them larger. I like how the stalks are all very light on top, then you can see the corn ears are all about the same height and then the stalks below the ears are dark.

Some people have a dream in their head and they can make it reality. I do not know these people, but someone had a wonderful dream or else some wonderful house plans. This house used to be a typical older farm house. They started by putting the rock wall on the porches, then added the siding. The whole wing on the end closest to you in the first picture was an addition that was just recently finished. The chimney with the wagon wheel on it was where the house used to end.

In the front window of the new addition they have a huge chandelier made out of antlers. They have it lit up at nights. It looks really neat. Someone has a true eye for decorating. They have added the landscaping to match, their are mums on the porch that are just the right color. I love seeing this house.

I don't know if you can see it in this picture (click and make it big), but on the porch on this side of the house, they have a big carved wooden indian.

Most of the trees are bare now. The skies will often be gray and overcast.

I liked this picture with the cornfield in the front and the cows in the back left and the goats in the back right.

This is how our road looks now. Not too many leaves left.

And here is the driveway or lane as they call it around here.
What does it look like outside where you live?


  1. beautiful home! I love seeing them and even feel a little envy but at the end of the day I am blessed to have my little homestead home and family. Enjoy turning 50 I am soon to be 56 and love it.

  2. I have a milestone next month as well. I will be turning 30! I have five beautiful children, a loving husband, a wonderful church family. I am so happy. I have taken a lot of time these past few weeks thinking about what I would like to work on these next ten years. Who do I want to be at 40?


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