Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cow Birds??

I am sure that when many of you think of a cow bird, you think of the brown headed cow bird pictured below.

Well, last night we had a different type of cow bird visit our bird feeders. It was very late and Michael had already gone to bed and was sound asleep. The dogs started barking. They don't bark much at night, and sometimes we give them a second or two to see if they quit. We get critters from the woods and we have deer that walk by. They will usually settle right down if it is nothing. I had not gone to bed yet, but was getting ready to. I believe it was close to midnight. They continued barking, so I thought I better go and see if I could tell why. I looked out the window on the front door. The moon must have been full because I could see quite clearly. I did not see anything out that way, so I opened the door and stepped out. There were 2 VERY LARGE brown headed cow birds eating the seed in the bird feeder. Here is a picture of them.

The cows were out and had found a snacking center. :) That is life on the farm!!!


  1. What a thing to find outside your door! ;o)

  2. We used to get bear-birds....they would wear out a bird-feeder. I don't live at home any more bu tmy Dad still has to bring in the feeders every night!

  3. LOL....very funny! You just never know what is going to happen on the farm!

  4. What a interesting find at a feeder at midnight!!! Marlene


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