Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday Product Highlight!!

On Thursdays I plan on highlighting a product that we carry in the General Store. This will give people a chance to hear about why we chose to carry that product.

Today, I want to talk about the Jar/Serving Spoon. Have you ever had something stuck down in the bottom of a quart jar and you had to use a spoon to get it out? Maybe it was the end of the jelly or jam, or the rest of the soup you canned. When you put a spoon down in there, did you get food all over your fingers and knuckles? If you use a larger serving spoon, it often did not fit down inside the mouth of the jar. I have even tried resorting to sticking a knife down there and trying to get it.

Someone got tired of doing this very thing. They came up with the Jar spoon. In the picture above, you can see the spoon in a quart jar and one laying in front of the jar. There is plenty of handle still sticking out of the jar, so you don't have to get stuff on your hands. It is also a nice heavy weight so it will not bend and you will be able to dig out even stubborn peanut butter without bending it. It would also make a great serving spoon for a jar of salsa or other items in the jar. The spoon part is a very nice size. Not too small, but it would easily fit down inside a jar. Every kitchen should have at least one of these. They would make a nice tuck in gift for a wedding shower or bridal gift.

Come on over and check out the General Store and see all the new items we have in stock.

Don't forget if you are going to be ordering aprons or pot holders as gifts for Christmas, order early. Each one is made to order!!!

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