Thursday, October 02, 2008

Thursday Product Highlight!!

On Thursdays I plan on highlighting a product that we carry in the General Store. This will give people a chance to hear about why we chose to carry that product.

This is a one-of-a-kind cookbook featuring Ray and Elsie Hoover's four grandmas and their timeless recipes. Recipes call for basic ingredients which captures the simple lifestyle of Grandma's time. Notes on various recipes give interesting insights. A healthy alternative to today's fast food.

It contains over 700 basic recipes. Interspersed throughout the book are interesting quotes and divider page recipes from two cookbooks printed in the late 1800's.

Grandma's Recipes helps you get your day off to a great start with Cocoa and Apple Griddle Cakes or Orange Tea Biscuits.

Move on to lunch with Egg Salad Stuffed Tomatoes, Beef Barley Vegetable Soup, and Molasses Crumb Pie or Sour Cream Raisin Cookies... or both!

End your day with Ginger Ale Fruit Salad, Chicken and Dumplings, and Broccoli with onions. If still hungry try some warm Apple Cobbler with Butter Sauce.

Recipes begin with Beverages and Appetizers and end with Miscellaneous, which includes cheese and soap making.

Grandma's Recipes - Like a visit from Grandma!

Come on down and visit the General Store and see our specials!!!


  1. Hi,
    I enjoyed my visit here:o)
    I love the old recipes. I have a few and love them.
    Off to read more of your Lovely post!;o)
    Hope you have a great day!

  2. Hi Marci,
    That looks like a great cook book.

    ~Have a nice weekend!


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