Monday, October 27, 2008

Is it Autumn or Winter?

This morning we had snow flurries. It was hit and miss. It would start up and get really heavy like the pictures below and then it would disappear almost totally. You would have to really watch closely to even see a flake go by. Then it would start back up again. This is really early for snow flurries.

I had to go to the Post Office in town. I thought I would show you how the fall color is doing. It is past the peak. Many trees are almost bare. Then you will come across pockets of wonderful color. These first 2 pictures are at the end of the driveway as I was leaving.

These next pictures are just on the drive to and from town (which is not very far away. It is a one stop light town).

This is looking down my driveway on the way back.


  1. Isn't this weather crazy! I like snow...but not until December. :D

  2. I am sooooo ready for our first snow! What lovely pictures of your day.

  3. Oh how I would love snow or even cold weather,,we are still in the 90's, love the pictures...

  4. I loved the drive! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Here in Upstate NY it is snowing today...3 - 5 inches is what is called for. Its going to be a long winter...


  6. SNOW? Already? I couldn't do it. No cold til December, I say.

  7. Yippeee for you! Snow and lovely fall foilage--wonderful!

    I love your mailbox btw!
    And, how did you get that neat signature tag!? I love it!

  8. The autumn pictures are really nice! We are planning to go leaf-looking on Thursday. Hope we find some pretty color!

  9. Hi Marci,
    What pretty pictures!
    It seems so early for snow!!
    It snowed about 2 1/2 hours north of here last night.


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