Saturday, October 25, 2008

Done Canning!!

I think I am done canning for the year. I may do some soup through out the winter. I always make a huge batch of soup. I can the left overs to have for lunches. I also may can some apple pie in a jar, but I am not sure about that. Yesterday, my dear sweet Brittany was here all day. I truly enjoyed the fellowship. I canned my beets. I like them pickled. I think I ended up with 9 pints of beets. I tried something new with them this year. It was a trick I learned from the Wonderful Neighbors. I used my french fry cutter to cut them. That way all the pieces are uniform. You get a lot in the jar that way as well. I also made butter and another batch of the jalapeno cheese. It is a real hit around here. =)

1 comment:

  1. Wow you have been a busy little bee, it looks beautiful..enjoy your bounties...hope you have a blessed weekend...


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