Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ike Strikes!! =)

We are still without power. I am so thankful that someone invented a generator and I am so thankful that our friend has so graciously let us borrow theirs.

I took this video on Sunday. The tree right in the front when it begins is the one that snapped off at the base. You will also see our burn pile to the right of the stock trailer. We have not been able to burn for a long time because of the drought. We had gotten some rain at the end of last week and we were going to burn, but are thankful we waited. Those embers would have been all through the woods. The trailer blocked the wind from blowing the whole pile all over. We did have to pick up some pieces of it.


  1. I hope they get your power on soon.

    Storms like that scare me. It's amazing just what damage they can do.

    Dora Renee' Wilkerson

  2. Hi Marci,
    Sorry to hear your power has not yet been restored. But glad that you have the generator!


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