Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Twist on Ricotta Cheese

I think I have pretty much canned most of what I am going to this year. I still have beets to do. I would have liked some more green beans, but they just did not do well with the drought and we did not water like we should. I have plenty of tomatoes, and those will come in handy.

I wanted to share something I tried with you. I have told you how I make what I call ricotta cheese, although it is not a true ricotta. I tried a new variation and it came out really good. I had milk getting old and I did not want to waste it. I skimmed the cream and made butter and then I made the ricotta with the milk. I got quite a bit of cheese, so I took some and added agave nectar and a wee bit of milk to it. It came out as a sweet cheese with a smooth texture. I put it in the freezer. I may make a cheese danish for a holiday breakfast or something with it. The rest I had to divide into two portions so it would fit into my food processor and even then it was a bit too much. I added salt, pepper, some onion and some jalapenos. I did have to add a bit of milk to it as well to help it move in the processor because I had put too much in. It has a wonderful flavor and a smooth spreadable texture so you could put it on crackers or bread or even dip veggies into it. I was thinking it would make a good sandwich with homemade bread and slice of tomato!!!


  1. Hi Marci,
    Your pantry looks so nice!
    The cheese looks yummy too!

    ~Have a nice day!

  2. Simply loverly, darling!


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