Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mickey Mouse Potato

We found a place to buy 50 lbs. of potatoes for a great price. We decided to try a bag. I went to pull some out of the bag to cook tonight and found this one.
It looks just like Mickey Mouse. It has two eyes and a crooked smile and a point out with a nose on the end. My son told me to sell it on ebay. =)

We processed all the peppers this weekend and then went out and found another huge amount to do. =) We also picked a peck of peppers to pickle like Peter Piper. I am going to just can some whole and others in jalapeno rings.

I have tomatoes to pick and beets to dig. I want to get all of this done by this week if possible.


  1. I'm so glad that your power was restored. Those peppers look wonderful. I've grown green peppers before but they were never very pretty or prolific. They always tasted fine but tended to be distorted. I've never tried to grow jalepenos but probably will this time because I've discovered that I really like them fresh.

  2. Hi Marci,
    Those peppers are beautiful!
    That's really cute-the mickey mouse potatoe! (;

  3. Let's hear more about how you "can some whole and others in jalapeno rings." I am overrun too and am curious!


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