Sunday, September 07, 2008

Joshua and Brittany's New Apartment

Yesterday our fellowship had a work day. The men got together to help Joshua get his apartment set up. It is a very nice apartment over a garage. The garage belongs to this family. They are a wonderful family and I am sure that Joshua and Brittany and Melanie and her family will become good friends. Here is was the apartment looks like from the front of the property. Melanie's house is to the left and you can see the apartment over the fence and through the tree. You would walk around the fence and through a side gate.

Here is a little helper coming through the gate and down the path to the apartment.

Here is looking up the stairs to the apartment.

Here is that same little helper up in the living room. There is a nice kitchen with room for a table, a living room, bedroom and bathroom. It is very nice and will be cozy.

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