Monday, September 15, 2008

Ike Went Over Us!!!

Just a quick update for those of you looking for Count Your Blessings Monday....

We lived in Florida 12 years and were never hit by a hurricane. We did get hit once by Hurricane Opal while vacationing in the Smoky Mountains. We lost power for over 3 days and a huge tree fell across the only road down from our log cabin. =) Well, Ike hit us yesterday. We were so thankful we were going to get rain for several days as we are in a drought. The rain all went north of us and we did not get any, but the winds hit us as Ike went right over. We had sustained winds of 35 MPH to 55 MPH and gusts up to 70 MPH. We are without electricity and it may not be restored for up to 7 days. Please pray that the electricity comes on sooner rather than later. We have no water without power. Our cows drink from 50 to 80 gallons of water a day. =) Also, all of our fences that keep our animals in are electric. If they figure out they are off, we may have some round-up fun that I would rather not have.

We borrowed a friend's generator. They have power. We can at least keep our freezers and fridges cool. We raise all of our own meats and have several freezers. We had to pop on here for a minute to pay for an item we bought on line. So, I am not sure when or if I will be back this week.


  1. Praying that the electric comes on quickly for you Marci!

  2. Hi Marci,
    Sorry to hear that your power is out. Hope it can be restored soon!

  3. Having been through a few hurricanes myself, I feel for you. In fact, the one thing I said to my dh was that I never really feared the hurricanes (of course I would heed an evacuation order if given) but I always hate the week or so afterward when we're without power-and we're usually among those who have power restored the quickest.
    Anyway I'll be praying that you get your power back on much sooner than they're estimating.

  4. praying for you Marci....Ike sure has wrecked havoc wherever he goes


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