Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wool And Veggies

I washed some brown wool today. The lighter color you see is what the sheep looked like. Once the wool was sheared off, you see more dark brown. I do have some fleeces for sale if anyone is interested.

I had let cheese sit in a bowl overnight in the fridge. I poured it into the strainer to finish draining. =) I will mix in salt and Italian herbs and garlic. Yum. We use it in baked Italian dishes and also as a spread for crackers. We even put small amounts of it on our salad in place of feta.

We are starting to get a little bit from the garden. Most of the cabbage we planted was done. There are still several heads out there that need some more time. We got lots of pole beans and a nice amount of bush beans. I still have not figure out the whole tomato thing. One plant out there is covered in red and turning red tomatoes. All the rest are all green with an occasional plant having an orange one. If they keep coming in this slow, it will be hard to can, or I will have to make a big mess for just a small amount. We also got one green pepper. There are finally lots of little peppers on the plants, so we should be getting some soon. The corn is trickling in as well. We will have some of this for supper tomorrow, but it is sure not enough to work on for freezing.


  1. hi! we also live in ohio. while we are not very wise on the subject of vegetable gardens, i do know this. try to leave the tomatoes on the vine till they will drop into your hand when lightly lifted. leave them on a windowsill to finish getting red if they are still green. all of ours seem to have "green shoulders" this yr, which is unusual. if you dont have enough to can, drop them in boiling water ever so briefly...peel, then freeze in bags. i do this instead of canning. we dont usually do well in the pepper dept, but this yr has been very good for us. good luck to you, love your bounty. mrs.k.

  2. All of the produce looks so beautiful!

  3. Looks great! Your cheese looks and sounds delicious!

  4. I know the last thing you need is another thing to do, but is the cheese recipe that you use for this on your website? Thanks.

  5. Marci,
    Your cheese looks wonderfully delicious! Yum!

  6. Your veggies look so fresh and I know they taste so good.


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