Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Friends and Garlic

I was blessed to have another overnight guest. A good friend from Kentucky is up in the area and came by this evening. I had wanted to ask her to show me how they do their garlic, because they are able to keep theirs around from year to year to sell and to plant. I was just going to have her show me on one bulb, but I should have known she would want to do them all. We did not quite get them all done. I called a halt to it, because I got a blister on 2 fingers and couldn't find my gloves.

There was a little bit more to it than I thought, so I am glad she was here to show me. When you cut the neck off, you want to leave a bit above the bulb. Also, when you trim the roots, if you leave them too long, they will wick up moisture, but if you cut them to short it did something else to the bulb. Also, she had me remove some of the papers on them.

The bowl that the above garlic is in is a huge bowl and we are not quite done yet. She said the garlic was exceptionally beautiful and I would be able to get a $1 a bulb for it at their farmer's market. I am going to keep some to plant and use the other for both us and as gifts. We hope to make our own garlic powder.

We had a good visit sitting there together doing garlic. I was blessed with a sweet visit and got something accomplished!!

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