Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fennel George

I have a regular Caterpillar zoo on my kitchen counter. After I found Weird George last night, I called the WN and Mrs. WN and the girl came over to look at him. When they came, they brought me another Monarch George. Today, I was out looking at my herb garden and what did I spy? Fennel George, so named because he was on the fennel. My husband went to pick some more fennel to put in the jar with him and he found Wee Fennel George. I put them both in the same jar. I hope they like each other. =) I believe they are a Swallowtail Butterfly caterpillar. I am not sure which variety. They are two different colors and I am not sure if the one is a different color just because he is smaller, or if he is a different type of Swallowtail. Here is pictures of the newest Georges.


  1. Thanks so much for a lovely blog. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I have given you an award at my site. We, too, have found a strange but beautiful caterpillar recently at our home.

  2. Big Green is a Anise Swallowtail.

    Will be a black and yellow butterfly with bits of blue across hind wing.

    My guess would be that littler one is the same variety, though I have not seen one that small.


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