Monday, August 18, 2008

Count Your Blessings Monday!!

Here is an opportunity for you to give thanks unto the Lord for a blessing in your life. If you have a blog, please sign Mr. Linky below and post on your blog. Please link back to this blog and you may use the picture above. If you do not have a blog, leave a comment on this post telling us what you are thankful for and what you are counting as a blessing today. This is a way that we can encourage one another. Many of our blessings we will have pictures of and we can share those as well. I think that many times we forget that it is a blessing to be able to breath, to get out of bed, to hold a baby... Share your blessings with us. They encourage others. We can share so many other things.... special gifts, recipes, let's take the time to share how God has blessed us!!

I am so thankful for the weather and how God likes to keep us guessing. =) This is August, mid August. Normally, our temperatures are in the mid to high 90's with high humidity. They call them the "dog days of summer". So far, August has been very pleasant. The highs have been in the mid to low 80's and there has not been much humidity. It has even been cool in the evenings. Cool to the point where you wonder if you had long sleeves on if you wouldn't be a tad more comfortable. This is a true blessing.

Yesterday when we were coming home from our fellowship, we saw several trees that have started turning colors. There are always a few that start early, but normally it is not until September sometime. Our real fall comes later. Here are a couple of pictures from our return drive yesterday. If you click on the second one, you will see how they plant their crops on hill sides up here. They have strips of alfalfa between the corn to help keep erosion at a minimum. It makes for a beautiful design.

Let's hear from you. What are you thankful for today?


  1. Marci,
    I like how you are reminding us to see our blessings. How often I forget the "little" or "mundane" blessings such as walking, seeing, hearing & so on. We really need to acknowlege those miracles as well.
    I also linked to you since you asked. Have a great day! April

  2. I agree, this year's weather has really been a blessing. We usually are praying for rain in July but this July blessed us with several good rains. Now if only the frost can hold off awhile our crops will be in really good shape.

  3. I am thankful for our blog. I have learned so much about living the "good life" from reading your blog. Also, I just wanted to let you know that I followed your Bread & Butter Pickle recipe and we cracked open the first jar yesterday when we had a bunch of friends over for a cookout at my Mom's. EVERYONE raved about them and wanted the recipe. Thank you for sharing so much with your readers.

  4. I absolutely love that you do this weekly. It makes me remember how important it is to be thankful for what the Lord gives us.

    Jo Lynn


We love having people visit our blog. Please take the time to leave a note so that we know you were here. You don't have to have a blog to leave a note. If you have something negative to say, you are welcome to say it. However, if you leave it anonymously it will not be posted. It seems the people who like to correct me or say ugly things, don't want to leave their name or a way I can respond to them.

May the Lord richly bless each of you!!!