Monday, July 28, 2008

Wee George & The Chicks

That title sounds like some kind of band or something. I was over here adding items to my store page (you need to check out all the new stuff - think up coming gift giving) and the WN (Wonderful Neighbor) girl came over and brought me Boy George or is that Baby George. That is her fingers holding the leaf that he is on. I have never had one this tiny before. Maybe I should name him Wee George.

Here is Big George. He already looks bigger to me than he did yesterday when my dear sweet Michael brought him to me. The red you see are my gladiolas on the counter.

I have needed to get my banty chicks out on the grass for awhile. We had this old pen that we built in 2000. It is almost ready for the burn pile, but it is going to hold the little chickies for a bit. The wood is pretty soft. I was talking to the WN girl when the oldest WN boy came over to say howdy. He and his Dad have been off to the far north (way up in Canada) on a fishing trip. He caught some BIG fish. They are not stories either, I saw pictures. Anyway, they asked about this contraption in my yard. When I told them what it was, they went to work and started getting it together. The WN boy ran home and got their heavy duty stapler and they undid the rolls of hardware cloth and went to town. Then, I drug a huge tarp that had holes in it up to put on one side to keep rain out and give them shade. Michael helped me get the tarp attached, and he cut a piece of wood for the opening.

Look at these little peeps. They are truly having a bad hair day. They are so cute and frizzy!!

We got them in, put the top on and put a brick to keep critters out. They are thrilled to be in the grass and I know they will be thrilled with the sunshine tomorrow.


  1. cute little peeps. Mine are losing their fuzz and getting their feathers so are at a kinda worn looking stage.

  2. Looks good. Maybe someday I can talk hubby in to letting me have a couple of chicks. :D

  3. Hi Marci,

    I found your blog thru Herrick's site and have been enjoying reading your posts for a couple of months now. I was wondering if you have a really great bread & butter pickle recipe you wouldn't mind sharing. I am getting lots of cukes from my garden and we love those pickles on sandwiches. Also, can I use any type of cuke to make it or does it have to be the pickling type?
    May God's grace sustain you and His peace wash over you.


  4. Wee things are a blessing indeed. I enjoy so watching them grow.

  5. Such cute pictures. Love the baby chicks. Makes me wish I had some.


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