Friday, June 06, 2008

What is This Bug?

I was sitting here at the computer minding my own business. Ginny and I were chatting on the phone. A bug hopped over my left shoulder and landed on a tablet in front of me. I heard a little click noise when it jumped. It did not fly, but jumped sort of like a grasshopper and it went a good ways. It is about the size of a lady bug. You can see the lines on the tablet it landed on. That is college ruled paper. Any idea what it is?


  1. eww, I don't know , but boy is it gross:-P
    :-) Karen

  2. It looks like a relative of the gummy worms my sweeties love to eat. I think it may be a nymph of some type of familiar bug you have in Ohio. Good luck!

  3. The picture of your "visitor" caught my eye, so I looked it up in our field guide and found this.

    Clavate Tortoise Beetle
    Habitat: Fields and wastelands.
    Range: Widespread from New England to South Carolina.
    Food: Feeds on plant in the Morning Glory family.
    Life Cycle: Eggs are layed on plant leaves, the larva then eat the leaves, turning into adults which overwinter and are active from May-September.

    This beetle has the ability to pull in it's antennae when it feels threatened

    Seeing as my family and I live on a farm in Saskatchewan, we don't see these around.

    We farm a bit like you do: Live'n'Learn Farm.


  4. I agree, that is just plain nasty-looking. :-/ I think I would have screamed...

  5. WOW!
    wHAT a Bug! It does look like a cross between a tortoise and a tad pole!
    Thanks corb klass. who would have known?


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