Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!

Today is a day set aside to honor the Dad's in our lives. I believe that we should honor them every day, but today is a day to give them a little something extra.

First, I want to say Happy Father's Day to my dear sweet husband. He got a precious note from Joshua today that said what a great Dad he is. Michael is known for his gentleness and patience and mercy. He is a wonderful Dad and will continue to be one and will be a very special Grandpa.

Here is Michael on our wedding day.

Here he is with Joshua a few years ago.

I also say Happy Father's Day to my Dad. He has been a great Dad. These last few years have been rough for him after losing my Mom, but he has hung in there with the Lord's help. I am so grateful that he now shares his life with Alice. Happy Father's Day Dad!!!! I love you!!!!

This is my Dad and I.
My Dad has played the coronet and the trumpet since he was in junior high school. He plays in the orchestra at his church in Florida. They asked him to play at the sunrise service on Resurrection Day. I love this picture.


  1. Great tribute, Marci, and great photos. Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a cool picture of your Dad playing the trumpet. I enjoyed the others too. That is a cute one of you and he on your wedding day!

  3. What a beautiful tribute!


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